domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Blade Runner Opinion

  From all that, we appear " science it gives foot to think that it is possible to manage to create this type of robot, as the movie presents it?. I believe that this can manage to give many discussions, but what is clear is that everything is possible, nobody might have imagined that the man would tread on the moon, and nevertheless it has obtained it. In any case of that it was happening, of what I am sure it is that it is not going to be in 2019, in only 14 years, is too prompt. Also we can wonder " what does claim the movie? "," what trasmite? ".
  I think that the movie wants to reflect what might manage to be the land if this happened, that were creating this type of robots so similar to the human beings and even in some better cases, and also unlimited. It wants to make us reflect on the consequences that this might drag. My personal opinion is that it is a movie difernente. In addition I believe that it refers to the basic questions of the Philosophy, for what it comes very well to understand some of these aspects. To finish, only about saying that the human being is The Only and Unrepeatable.

Economic development

For and against tourism


·                     Generates employment in the serice sector.
·                     Locals may benefit from improved infrastucture and facilities.
·                     Cultural exchanges between people-leading to gre undrerstanding.
·                     Profits may leak aboard from the country; the companies involved mey be foreign owned.


·                     Attracts people who prey on tourists.
·                     Some tourists don't respect the places they visit (e.g. yelling in churches, littering, taking pictures of sacred cerimonies without permission).
·                     It can destroy the enviroment because of the excesive construction of buildings.

Factory locations influences

·                     Energy source.
·                     Water source.
·                     Distance to get materials for production.
·                     Distance for workers to drive.
·                     Enough space.
·                     Zoning and other laws of the area.

·                     Near transpot links.

Light Industry

Makes products for direct consumption. Its principal characteristics are the following:
·                     Consumes fewer raw materials and energy resources tha heavy industry and capital goods industry.
·                     Is generally less contaminating, but modifies natural space because it is concentrated in specific areas.
·                     Usually located near cities and transport links.
·                     Its size can vary a lot.
·                     There are different types of light industry: food, light chemical products and computing, textiles, etc.

 Food industry
·                     Transforms and manipulates (refrigerates, packs, etc.) vegetable, meat, fish an diary products. The United States and the Netherlands are some of the principal producers.

Automobile industry
·                     Manufactures industrial vehicles (lorries, vans, buses, etc) and vehicles for individual use (cars and motorbikes). The main producers are European countries, Japan, the United States, countries from southeast Asia, like South Korea and China.

Light chemical industry
·                     Manufactures pharmaceutical, photographic, cosmetic products and plastics. France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy are some of the main producers.

Electronics and computing industry

·                     Manufactures equipment like televisions, telephones, computers, multimedia recorders and players (for DVDs and MP3s), cameras and digital video cameras. The United States, some European countries, Japan and the countries from South-Asia are the principal roducers.

Textile industry

·                     Groups activities like spinning and weaving, making clothes and other articles (rugs, bags, belts, etc). Asian countries, like China, have replaced traditional textile producers, like France, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the Nethelands.

Political organizations

Internet users